Here in the Western world, there are two contending ideas about the Origin and development of our world. The prevailing, Christian, argument is that the Bible describes Gods creation. To counter the notion that life developed through the process of development, they introduced the notion of intelligent design. It is said that a random process like evolution could never create the near perfect forms of life we see here, that only an intelligent designer, God, could do it.
The scientific debate puts forward the idea that some small, highly compressed mass burst the big bang to present our world its structure and elemental building blocks. Then the process of development followed, to bring forth all of the many types of life found here in the world. When it comes to creation, God says, Let there be light, and there was light. This seems like magic, not intelligent design. This said do know what spiritual folks are saying. They are taking a look at all of nature and attempting to understand how it came to be.
Also would love to know where it came from, but where they have just one possible response, God, got two possible answers. Their rejection of evolution as a response comes from their strong desire to believe in a God that forgives all sins and an incomplete understanding of how evolution works and learn this here now. While do not think anybody yet completely understands the process of development, will attempt to explain, very briefly, what understand about it? At the start, must say that if you insist that our world is only six or twelve thousand years old, then development is not an answer which could be squeezed into that short a time period. While there is more than one reason an organism can differ from its parents. because feel that the significant objection, of the spiritual, to evolution is they cannot see how a random process, like mutations, can create the near perfect results we see. The answer to how is by adaptation.
When a gene change is passed on to an organism’s offspring, the change it causes can be detrimental, benign, or beneficial for that organism to live in its environment. Those changes which are harmful finally die away since the organisms that have it cannot compete with those that are not encumbered by its own fault. Needless to say, those organisms which inherit a gene that is useful will do better that people who do not posses this shift. In summary, what enhances an organism’s adaptability to its environment is stored and what works against that is lost or submerged. This is the way random changes may improve an organism.